Electronic Signature

Electronic Signature

RSign is the simplest to use, most affordable enterprise grade and full-featured electronic signature solutions.

RSign electronic signature makes it easy for signers to complete and sign documents using any desktop or mobile web browser in an intuitive, guided signing process.

RSign includes the most advanced electronic signature features, making it seamless to optimize and digitize workflows with electronic signatures, whether through API integrations, fulfilling identity requirements, satisfying bank-grade security, or meeting loan and fintech regulations or e-prescriptions and healthtech requirements.

With a simple user design, sharable templates, template rules, and dependencies, custom workflows, real-time reporting, advanced document configuration, and much more, RSign® has everything your organization needs in an eSign service.

RSign lets you prepare and send documents online to be filled and signed electronically, always maintaining access, security, and control. RSign makes it easy to digitize workflows at a lower cost with a friendly customer success team to support and advise on the process change and we make it easy to automate and integrate the platform with a full set of APIs and pre-built integrations.

We are friendlier to work with, actively help you optimize your eSign initiative, and are driven to democratize the use of eSign with the most affordable feature-rich offering.

What are the Uses of RSign Electronic Signature?

  • Seamlessly lead each signer automatically through the document one input field at a time, using the RSign guided eSigning process.
  • Configure a document online and its associated workflow just once and then save it as a reusable template, and you’ll never have to do it again for similar transactions.
  • Generate a static link for your configured eSign documents and templates to embed into website pages or emails.
  • View which documents have been opened and signed, increasing visibility, measuring signoff time, and speeding your business processes.
  • Receive an error-free, completed, and signed document returned to your email inbox – it has never been easier!
  • Customize your team’s experience with security, encryption, shared templates, static links, advanced automation, APIs, and much more.

Automate Your Workflows with Electronic Signature

RSign® includes a variety of electronic signature services with almost infinite combinations of features and configurable settings. Whether a document needs a simple approval or there is a complex set of forms, security requirements, and rules, RSign electronic signature solutions will fit your situations and will automate your workflows.

Common RSign electronic signature services are summarized below. Contact us to guide you to the best set of eSignature services and features for your specific requirements.

  • Send Documents for eSign
  • Create eSign Templates
  • Add Form Fill and eSign Rules and Dependencies
  • Create eSignature Forms at Static Links, Instant Web Forms
  • Prefill eSign Content, Backfill Form Content into CRMs
  • Use Web Applications, Send for eSign from Any Web Application
  • Manage eSign Privacy Compliance (GDPR and HIPAA Compliance)
  • Create Court Admissible eSign Records Audit Trails and Authentication Data

RSign Electronic Signature Transform Your Business

RSign APIs make it easy to send content from a business application and pre-fill certain fields in a document template, obtain recipient form field content and electronic signatures, and inject the message delivery tracking, electronic signatures status, audit-proof record, and signed contract back into the business application. RSign APIs can also extract certain recipient form field content and back-fill this content into mapped business application fields.

RSign eSign has been used for more than a decade in more than 90 countries worldwide by governments and businesses of all sizes.

For more guidance as to which RSign eSign and features are best suited for your workflow or integration, contact a specialist by clicking the “Get Started” button below and selecting the Request Product Integration Information option in the dropdown.